Top 5 “Among Us” Tips You Need to Know
Emergency – there’s an imposter among us, and it’s up to the crewmates to find out who it is before they get wiped out!
“Among Us” is a hugely popular multiplayer game, in which up to 15 players take control of humanoid astronauts (or “Crewmates”) aboard a space station. There, up to three Imposters can kill you in five different ways.
To win the game if you’re playing as a Crewmate, you need to complete certain tasks in order to flush out imposters and escape to safety. But if YOU’RE an Imposter, your main objective is to bump off Crewmates before they can figure out who you are and eject you.
When it comes to “Among Us”, communication works two ways: for Crewmates to avoid getting killed, and for Imposters to either lure away Crewmates to kill them or work together with other Imposters on carrying out multi-kills.
You will need to be confident in your communication skills in order to gain the trust of other players, assure them of your innocence, and convince them that another Crewmate is the Imposter (or to frame them as such).
With this in mind, here are five ways you can survive/dominate and win the game:
Stick Together
There’s safety in numbers. To avoid getting killed by an Imposter (or at least make it harder for them to bump you off), stick together in a group of at least five Crewmates.
But watch out – if there’s more than one Imposter, they can work together more easily to kill Crewmates unawares. Of course, it’s a helpful strategy if you’re playing as an Imposter yourself!
Up to Task
There are an array of basic tasks that need to be completed on the spaceship. Common, short, long, and visual tasks range from swiping cards and uploading data to clearing asteroids. These will be performed in specific locations, some of which are marked on one of four available maps. A full taskbar indicates that a task has been completed.
Completing all tasks is essential for not only winning the game, but also in determining who is an Imposter. For example, if a player is seen wandering in a location or hallway instead of performing a task, or they linger around areas with slow progress on their taskbars, then chances are that they are an Imposter who’s waiting for any opportunity to kill you.
Should you be suspected of being an Imposter, completing visual tasks – such as scanning in the medbay – is critical in proving your innocence, as the other players can see you performing these tasks.
Memorise the Map Layout
Knowing how to get around the space-station means completing your tasks faster, avoiding getting trapped and killed by an Imposter, or easier, disposing of your victims.
If you’re suspected of being an Imposter, you need to convince your fellow Crewmates of your innocence. That means having to account for your movements, which will help pinpoint who the real Imposter is.
For example, if you mention performing a specific task in the Lower Engine room when a Crewmate is killed, you’re likely to be let off the hook as you present your alibi during the voting process. Likewise, you can out the real Imposter by lifting the lid on their odd behaviour and/or their whereabouts.
To drive off suspicion if you’re an Imposter, pretend or attempt to perform tasks and let others see you. That way, witnesses won’t be quick to point fingers at you when a Crewmate is killed. There is also a console display in the Admin Room that tells you how many Crewmates are occupying each location, so be sure to memorise the layout and use your venting abilities to get to those locations quicker.
Watch the Vents
An ability used only by Imposters, venting allows them to access a series of connected vents and travel around the map more easily to eliminate Crewmates. They can also make a quick escape into the vents after bumping off a victim.
If you pass by an “innocent Crewmate”, only to find the body of a second Crewmate nearby a vent a minute later, chances are that the first Crewmate is actually an Imposter and used the vents to escape.
So, keep a sharp eye out for players who utilise vents. Likewise, if you’re an Imposter, don’t let anyone see you venting, otherwise you’ll be caught and the proof will be used against you during the vote!
Rock the Vote
Voting occurs when a dead body is found or when an emergency meeting is called. During this process, players discuss their opinions, present their alibis and evidence, and vote for the likeliest Imposter(s), who will then be ejected from the space station.
To vote, players must select the person they wish to vote for (or they can choose to skip the vote, if they remain unconvinced about who is an Imposter). They then confirm their choice by clicking the green checkmark.
This is where good communication comes in: together, Crewmates can come up with solid proof of a suspected Imposter’s behaviour and movements, which can easily get the guilty player ejected. However, multiple Imposters can easily redirect attention from themselves and onto innocent Crewmates, leading to their ejection instead.
As a Crewmate, be prepared to make a strong argument and provide details, if need be; as an Imposter, make sure that your lies are convincing enough to prevent you from being ejected.
Once you have these tips down, winning “Among Us” is in the bag. Just remember to stick to completing your tasks before an Imposter gets you, or ward off suspicion until you’re the last player left standing. Happy playing!
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